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Feb 20, 2014

Cherry Pie Day - February 20th

As some of you may or may not know, I have an odd fascination for the bizarre holidays that are scattered throughout the year.  Today happens to be Cherry Pie day.  Now personally, I hate cherry pie (pesky texture issues) but I am not overly fond of any fruit pies.  They just tend to be too sweet.  No, I can't believe I said that either, but that tends to be one of my issues.  Yes, I am sure you can make them more tart and blah, blah, blah, but I guess I haven't cared enough to do that yet.

OK....enough of my ramblings.  So, to commemorate Cherry Pie day, I have listed a few little dessert ideas that just may make your mouth water.  And, if you needed a reason for a treat...just tell the pie patrol that you are obligated to celebrate this holiday.  Yeah...that's it.

These are cherry pie cookies, which I might have to give a try as it is just nice little bites and the cookie can be considerably less sweet.  The recipe can be found here.  If any of you try it, please leave me a comment to let me know how it turned out.  

Here is another option to the typical cherry pie.....minis.  I think there is less guilt and more fun associated with minis than with a slice.  Also, with minis, you can customize to your guests.  I am a spoiler/pleaser *sometimes*, so I do try to accommodate those that I love and care about.  Besides, one of the best parts of food is the presentation.  It should touch several of your senses to enhance your experience.

Well whether you choose the traditional, mini, on a stick, or cookie, I hope that you enjoy Cherry Pie day.

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