A place where the simplicities of life are celebrated and discussed.
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Jul 31, 2013
Acro Yoga by Equinox
Jul 27, 2013
Jul 26, 2013
Matt's Mood Matt Bianco HQ
Matts Mood III - Matt Bianco, featuring Basia
Matt Bianco & Basia (playlist)
Jul 23, 2013
Failure to parent
There is nothing more upsetting and stressful to a parent than their inability to do things they feel they should do as a parent. I am not referring to the frivolous crap like buying them crap they don't need and probably don't deserve. I am referring to things as simple as being able to afford to find transportation to a doctor's appointment, getting them things they need for school ( basic items), and other areas such as this. Regardless to how strong and capable you are, when you are faced with the reality of not being able to handle the basics, it hurts your heart and breaks you down both mentally and emotionally.
Because I know and understand this pain, I have always tried to help out whenever I see someone in one of these situations (if I am able) because it does make all the difference in the world. I don't have much, but there are times when you need to be a blessing in someone else's life.
Jul 19, 2013
Personal Challenge - Lose 10 Pounds
This year I will be 44 years old. I am looking forward to it, however this year as a gift, I would like to give myself the gift of removing 10 pounds from my person. My birthday is 47 days away. I think this is MORE than enough time to lose such a minimal amount of weight. Why 10 pounds you ask? Simply put, I want to be under 300 pounds for me. I know some are gasping and shaking their heads and thinking...she needs to put another zero behind that, and they may be correct LOL. However, I am working on a short term goal and this is mine.
I am open to suggestions and I will check in with my progress. It shouldn't be too difficult, except for the fact that I forget to eat and really hate eating 5-6 small meals a day. After a while you just get so sick of eating. Just feels like that is all you are doing all day. OMG...annoying. But, I love me and I want this for me.
Just an FYI. No I don't take medications. No I don't have diabetes, high blood pressure, or crappy cholesterol. With the exception of the additional fluff.....LOL, I am considerably healthy.
Wish me luck and I am open to suggestions. This also gives me a reason to work on some lower calorie/fat foods that are tasty fun to eat.
Jul 18, 2013
Rehabilitated or Unrehabilitatable. That is the question.
I felt it necessary to begin with this particular information before I went on with my little diatribe. I used to believe in the entire "rehabilitation" process, but in reality, it seems that no one really believes a person is capable of being fully rehabilitated. The assumption is that once you have made an error in your life, that is the extent of you as a person. No matter how young or stupid you were, no matter how nonviolent, despite the circumstance, a person is only defined by their criminal past. Don't get me wrong, there are some people out there who are habitual offenders because it is just in them and that is all they know and have ever known. That being said, have you ever considered how many people are out there who are, for a lack of a better way to say it, screwed because they made a bad judgement call when they were younger?
I have a friend, a beautiful person inside and out. She is very responsible, polite, giving, and in general more decent than a lot of people you encounter in your daily life. She is intelligent and when she does a job, does it phenomenally. She realized that 25 years ago, after she had a brief encounter with stupidity and pride, that for the next 7-10 years, she would have to suffer and prove that she had been "rehabilitated" and worthy. Unfortunately for her, she didn't realize that in the eyes of employers, she would forever be seen simply as a felon. Despite how well she could/would do a job due to her skill set, how great her attendance is, how devoted to the company she may be, she could barely and rarely get her foot into a door to remain gainfully employed.
I find my heart aching for this woman because she really wants to just do well and live. I also have to wonder how many other people are suffering this fate? What do you do in these situations? How do you maneuver around such a huge obstacle? What advice could/would you give a person in this situation? Additionally, I have to wonder if the lack of opportunity plays an intricate part in the lives of some repeat offenders.
Do you think a person can recover from a criminal error? Is it possible for them to truly escape their brief criminal past? Do you think someone who has committed a crime can ever be rehabilitated and be a productive member of society?
Jul 17, 2013
Peach Kutchen Cake
Jul 16, 2013
Lemon Strawberry cake w/whipped cream cheese frosting
Change is this constant in our lives that keeps us on track. It is both a constant and unrelenting mistress which makes demands on how we conduct our lives. Typically we know when we need to change certain situations or circumstances, but sometimes we are just lazy or afraid to walk through the doorway that lies before us. Some change is great and some not so much (at least initially). The worst change is change that is forced upon you. This change is hard, brutal, stressful, and seemingly never ending. You find yourself asking questions like:
Why is this happening?
What have I done to deserve so much stress?
How much longer must I endure this?
WHY ME?!?!?!?!?
In reality there were signs that eluded to the changes that needed to be made. Now that fact that we ignored is not changes fault. We are lazy and/or afraid, sticking our heads in a hole as if we were on ostriches hiding from the inevitable. You only have yourself to blame. The funny thing is, if we had made the small changes that were needed from the start, the changes in the end would not be as major. If you make the changes when you initially notice that I change needs to occur, life becomes considerably easier, less stressful, vastly more enjoyable.
That being, I suck at it. Although I know change is a constant in life, I am a bit stubborn when it comes to certain aspects of my life. The funny thing is, I usually am almost completely worn out mentally and emotionally before a forced change is implemented. Yeah, I know. Why not just make the change? Because my rational side knows what needs to happen, but is typically overridden by my emotional side. That and I am kinda like a bratty child when it comes to change and I just don't wanna.
Don't get me wrong. There is some change that I am on as if it were second nature. But life is constant, and I will hopefully get a bit better with my signs and actually acting them. I am sure I am not alone....heck I can look at my Facebook news feed and tell that I am NOT the only one, but I digress.