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May 16, 2013

To sabotage or not to sabotage. That is the problem.

I have found that there are 2 major types of least in my life.

Friendly Sabotage and Self Sabotage.

Self sabotage is the most destructive as you are pretty much screwing yourself.   Sometimes it is so subtle that you don't realize that you are doing it...then one find the missing piece of the puzzle and you're  way out of the maze that is your self-doubt.  Although you may think..."How could anyone do that?" You would be amazed that it is quite easy to do.  Some miscellaneous thought that has been implanted in you early on in childhood that makes you constantly strive for perfection in that particular area.  You may have possibly done exceedingly well in that area all your life. Then one day, you begin to fear that you can't do whatever it that "thing" you either don't try so that way if you fail, it was because you weren't trying....OR. you do other little things that will eventually prove negative and lead to failure.   The question to be answered is: How do you stop the self sabotage?

Do you sabotage yourself? Did you ever sabotage yourself? Do you know someone who self sabotages?

Now, the friendly sabotage is another beast in it's own right.  This is where you have a person who claims to be your friend, but you begin to notice over time, that they don't really like you however they can't seem to stay away.  They are in constant competition with you about one thing or another... and seem to relish in your misery.  They also tend to want to come to your rescue, to prove you "need" them and tend to become very upset if you don't ask for their assistance.  Personally, I like to play with a person who is straddling the fence of being a real friend.  I enjoy making them work harder to compete with me.

Why you ask?  Because I am always happy for my friends and all that they accomplish.  I try to support them in whatever they do even if it isn't something that I especially care for.  That is what a friend does.  So when I have someone in my life who is trying to cause me harm emotionally , I tend to want to get even...... make them work very hard......and then get rid of them.

Do you have someone who is committing friendly sabotage?  What do you do about it?

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